Community Engagement

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Dr. L. Mixon Psychology Services, APC facilitates Community Engagement focused on Social Justice, Therapeutic Interventions, and Clinical Forensic Issues.  

A Community Engagement is a training where participants will be provided psychoeducational information and learn practical skills. Participants will be encouraged to utilize the newly learned information for introspective activities, skill practice, and sharing within a group process.The group can be your agency, colleagues, friends, or community members. You choose! 

A Community Engagement allows you to learn about various clinical, forensic, or social justice dynamics within a group environment. This experience will foster community building, multicultural awareness, and self awareness. Additionally, a Community Engagement includes breath work, grounding exercises, and meditation. Community Engagement duration varies with the goal of the Community Engagement.

Other topics for Community Engagement are: Cultural Competence, Inter-generational and/or Race-based Trauma, Intimate Partner Violence, Substance Abuse, Sex Offender Dynamics, Sexuality, Cognitive Behavioral Interventions.

To learn more about my Community Engagements, please see my Curriculum Vitae